on Monday, August 16, 2010

These peaches are from my trees. They have bacterial spot. Peach growers use sprays to keep this blemish off of their peaches. Most people would not eat a peach that looks like this, or at best they would cut this area away. Yet, the flesh under the spotted area is much sweeter than the side of the peach without the spots. I have measured 15 brix under the spotted area and 12 1/2 brix under the area that look "supermarket clean". Why the peaches are sweeter in the area that has bacterial spot, I don't know. But I remember an organic orange grower in Florida telling me that oranges that have rust on the skin (a blemish of oranges), were sweeter than the unblemished oranges. If anyone knows why these blemishes cause the fruit to be sweeter, let me know.


Anonymous said...

Your peaches have a beautiful color! We finally got a few peaches off our tree this year (it's not very old) and I was amazed at how sweet and full of flavor they were, in spite of being fairly green when I ate some. So much different from what we purchase in the store!
I eat the skins and all, even with spots like this...so far I can't tell that it has hurt me. Should they be peeled for any reason?

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