on Friday, July 30, 2010

These four groups of tomatoes are grandchildren of "Sunsugar." Their parents are called F1 and they are called F2. Their children will be called F3. Sunsugar is a hybrid with the sweetest, highest brix readings that I have grown. The F1 generation seed planted from the hybrid, were not as sweet as their parents and didn't taste as good. But I took their seed and planted them to get what you see in the picture. The two big ones are 6 brix and taste ok. The five to the left of the big ones, taste sweet, like Sunsugar, but are smaller. The three at the bottom taste sweet like Sunsugar, and are the same size. The large group at the top right are actually more apricot colored than shown in the photo and aren't as good looking as the rest. But they surpassed Sunsugar in sweetness and have a wonderful rich, fruity flavor. When that plant dies we will never see it again. We hope that the F3 generation, from it's seed, will produce more or even better than their parents. I will be experimenting and planting, to see what I can find in this gene pool.


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